The product: L'oreal Casting Creme Gloss in 724 Iced Latte
Price: Around 500pesos, if my memory serves me right.
Rating: 9.5/10
Hair color history in the photos above:
- Revlon Colorsilk Light Brown
- Revlon Colorsilk Luminista Golden Brown (used twice)
- L'oreal Casting Creme Gloss in 724 Iced Latte
- This product may or may not work for you depending on your hair structure. My hair strands are thin and smooth to begin with so I could say that those characteristics helped in making the color stick to my hair shaft.
- Condition, condition, condition! Take extra care of your colored hair. Don't skimp on conditioner. I actually use up a lot of conditioner now compared to when I had virgin hair. I use shampoo and conditioner for dry/damaged hair.
- ALWAYS DO AN ALLERGY TEST PRIOR TO USING HAIR COLORING PRODUCTS. I cannot stress this enough. Do a patch test too to see what results the hair dye will have on your hair. Instructions for the allergy and patch tests are included in the box.
- For dark hair, you may opt to leave the product on longer than what is instructed but do this at your own risk. Do several patch tests to see how long you must keep the product on for the desired color to show up. :)
- When sporting brown hair, it's good to lighten your eyebrows too BUT DON'T USE THE SAME HAIR DYE ON YOUR EYEBROWS as it is meant for the hair on your head only. I've bleached my eyebrows last night using Sally Hansen's Creme Hair Bleach. I read the review of a blogger about it and followed her instructions. Visit her blog to read the review. :)
- If you have long and thick hair (length extends up to below your shoulders) it's advisable to purchase 2 boxes of hair dye to ensure even coverage.

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